
Editing is more than just a technical process, it is one of the most important parts of the creative process that makes up a film. Capture the sound of a shoot, create a sound universe, give free rein to creation by assembling each of the shots like a puzzle.

To help students understand this process and how to work on it, from the ECPV we encourage teamwork, understanding of history and understanding of the work.

Formación Montaje y Sonido 2



1 October 2024 to 27 June 2025


Enrollment is Open
Until 15 September 2024


From October to December:

Monday to Friday from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

January & February:

Monday to Friday from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

From March to June:

Monday to Thursday from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Formation hours

More than 1400 teaching hours + joint practices.


  • Small groups.
  • Specialized Masterclasses.
  • Own title.

Target audience

For everyone who wants to turn an image into a story. The Diploma in Cinematographic Editing and Sound is created for those who want to know the story from an artistic technical point of view and for those who wish to capture the sound of each story.

Who you'll become

After passing through the ECPV, the students will be able to integrate into the editing team, in departments as editing assistant, editor, colorist or post-producer. You will also be able to join the sound team.

Formación Montaje y Sonido Lanbroa 3 Formación Montaje y Sonido Regina

Our way of teaching

The profession of the editor and the sound engineer are part of an even greater artistic work, for this reason, we believe that students must learn to work as a team, acquire critical and empathic capacity and understand the project theoretically and practically. This is why, from the ECPV, special emphasis is placed on the development of projects and their implementation

Study plan

The study plan is divided into three school years, with special emphasis on the final degree project, which will be the shooting of a joint film made by last year students. This project will be developed during the three courses.

In addition, all students will shoot their own practices that will be evaluated by teachers and professionals in the sector.

Enrollment, registration and prices

Request all the information by filling out the contact form, writing us an email, calling us by phone or visiting us in person.

We will send you all the necessary information so that you can register.

Formación Dirección de Fotografía Lanbroa 7


Escuela de Cine del País Vasco
C/ Mina San Luis 20, Miribilla Bilbao
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Customer service schedule

  • From Monday to Friday:
    9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturdays and Sundays closed